Saturday, March 16, 2013

pick me up..

I was seriously in need of cheering up today. The dull weather didn't help my mood so I decided to go for a drive with Edward. We went to our local garden centre just to get some inspiration. It was fun for Edward as they had a good selection of Thomas the Tank books.. the look on his face was a picture. He couldn't decide which one to get so I ended up buying him a musical hardback and a Series 9 DVD. I nearly bought myself white Hydrangeas.. sigh. I know this is going to eat me thinking about it and wanting to have one. I have a purple one in front of the house which I'm hoping will do well this year. So we'll see how long I could bear..

Then we head back to the supermarket to buy some bits and pieces. After seeing my contacts with Tulips in their pages and blog I can't resist buying these ones the moment I saw them. There was only one bunch of pale pink and some yellows which I thought was quite pretty.
When I came back Alex told me I was bored.. well perhaps that's what it was. I just wanted to go away or do something. I am slightly panicking as I am going back to work in a couple months time and as much as I'm looking forward to it I worry about the kids and getting to a new hectic routine.. juggling work, kids, house and my own interests plus hubby as well.
So there he was looking for some late deals on the net.. bless him. We will still go away but as for now trips to cinemas and dinner dates will do.

 You'll probably see some more Tulips photos these coming days.. we'll see what I'd come up with.. Enjoy the rest of the for me F1 Grand Prix starts tomorrow so should be fun.


  1. Such a beautiful post and I love your tulips...multi colored...I'll try that next you I need to get week we will go to St. Maarten...can't wait...I was sick earlier in the year so we had to cancel...
    Glad you might be able to go someplace also...
    Your going to be a busy girl when you go back to work...good luck.

  2. Hi Cheryl!
    We are looking at Paris next month.. it's going to be fun having a toddler and a baby on this trip hence I am hoping/trying to be organized. Have fun on your trip and take lots of photos to share. :-)
